Hello, and welcome!


Welcome to the first ever issue of My First $500/month 🙌🏾

First things first, a massive thank you to all of my 17 subscribers! Humble beginnings, I know, but I am thankful for each and every one of you who decided to subscribe. I’m excited about the journey ahead 🚀.

Wait, who are you again?

I’m Paul, a software engineer living in Hertfordshire, UK. I love to cook (salmon dishes are my favourite), long walks are my past time, and I am currently reading Blue Ocean Strategy - a book on forgetting about the competition and building innovating products. You’ve most likely seen me making all sorts of noise in the Small Bets community - if so, nice to see you again. If not, pleasure to meet you 🤝.

Cool, why should I read this?

January 2023 was when I first dived into the world of online entrepreneurship. I came across inspirational stories of indie hackers making $10k/month, $20k/month, or even $50k/month with relatively small projects and side businesses. It was truly amazing! Though, I often found myself asking: how did you start? How long did it take? What were your biggest challenges?

While the stories of successful entrepreneurs may inspire some, it may leave others feeling overwhelmed (including myself). The lack of stories on how people first got started, their struggles, and lessons learned is what compelled me to start this newsletter. Every month I will interview an indie hacker who’s been through the journey from $0 to $500/month and I’ll share those stories with you.

I win, you win

I hope to learn from the greats out there who have been successful in the online entrepreneurship space, but sharing is caring, so I want you to learn too. Whether you’re first starting out (like me), or you’re a seasoned indie hacker looking to scale or improve your business, this is the best newsletter around (if I don’t say so myself). I win, you win 🏆.

How can I help, I hear you ask?

Well, if you’d like to share your experiences on making money online (or know someone that would like to), please do reach out to me on Twitter (DM preferably).

Thanks for the intro, show me the good stuff

On Monday the 20th of February (6pm Pacific Time to be exact!) I’ll be sending out the first post. Please contain your excitement until then.

Bye for now! 👋🏾